Thank you for your order

We have received your order. The last step is to sign the agreements before your accounts will be ready.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on 330 330 or on

This is the step-by-step

  1. You will receive a text message when the documents are ready to be signed. You will receive the text within two business days.
  2. You can sign the documents digitally with Samleikin on this link: The link will also be in the text message.
  3. After you have signed the documents, you can sign into the Netbank to see you new accounts.
  4. If you have ordered a card, you wil be able to see the card in your Netbank. You can use the card right away by adding the card to your wallet on your smartphone. Your physical card will arrive at your primary address within 10-14 days after the agreements were signed.

Netbank on your smartphone

We encourage you to download the Netbank as an app on your smartphone. You can do so by searching for BankNordik on App Store and Google Play. You can change the app language to English in the Netbank Settings. On the Netbank you will be able to safely communicate with us.

Aðrar samansparingar

Samansparing til bústaðin

Tá tú skalt keypa, umbyggja ella umvæla bústaðin, er tað ein fyrimunur at hava samanspardan pening tøkan.

Samansparing í íløgum

Vilt tú økja møguleikan fyri størri avkasti av tínari samansparing, er íløguøkt ein góður møguleiki. Tú fært fyrimunirnar av at seta tína samansparing í virðisbrøv, uttan at tær nýtist at fylgja við á virðisbrævamarknaðinum.

Lille dreng med legetøjsflyver

Samansparing til børnini

Ein munandi samansparing er ein gáva til framtíðina og kann t.d. brúkast til útbúgving, fyrsta bústaðin ella okkurt heilt annað.

Samansparing til ung

Tá ið mann er ungur, eru allir møguleikar opnir. Tá er skilagott at leggja eitt sindur til síðis, so tú eigur eina góða samansparing at gera tínar dreymar til veruleika við. NordikSolo-samansparingin gevur góða rentu og sera lagaligar treytir.

Tosa við okkum

Tú ert altíð vælkomin at ringja til okkara

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